cody romness

On hedge fund manager and Tampa Bay lightening owner turning around the franchise:

Once Vinik bought the Light­ning, their for­tunes be­gan to change al­most im­me­di­ately. It started with his first—and ar­guably his most im­por­tant—de­ci­sion: De­spite hav­ing no ties to Tampa, he re­lo­cated from Bos­ton with his fam­ily and made it his full-time home. None of the Light­ning’s other own­ers had ever lived in Tampa full-time.

At the time Vinik was con­sid­er­ing buy­ing an NHL team, he says, a dozen ei­ther were avail­able or could have been avail­able. He ex­plored sev­eral of them, from the Coy­otes to the Dal­las Stars to the New Jer­sey Dev­ils. He set­tled on the Light­ning in part be­cause he knew he would move to which­ever city he chose. En­sconc­ing him­self into the fab­ric of Tampa was “part of the se­cret sauce,” he said.

From a hockey stand­point, Vinik has fo­cused on the grass-roots, know­ing the Light­ning needed to in­tro­duce the sport to a re­gion that didn’t grow up with the game. With the help of the NHL’s in­dus­try growth fund, the Light­ning are giv­ing away 100,000 street hockey balls and sticks to kids in their mar­ket, as well as com­plete sets of gear to 500 schools. Light­ning CEO Steve Griggs said the team now has 15,500 sea­son-ticket hold­ers, up from about 3,000 in 2010. Youth par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Tampa Bay area has grown nearly 70% since 2013, ac­cord­ing to USA Hockey.

from wsj

cody romness

Nev­er­the­less, if see­ing is be­liev­ing, we have fi­nally glimpsed the mon­ster’s shadow, hav­ing heard its whim­pers only re­cently. It ap­pears that one of the weird­est con­structs of the hu­man mind ex­ists for real. The trans­for­ma­tion of the black hole from a math­e­mat­i­cal odd­ity, emerg­ing from Ein­stein’s the­ory of gen­eral rel­a­tiv­ity, to an ob­serv­able fix­ture of the cos­mos is a tes­ta­ment to hu­man­i­ty’s col­lec­tive in­tel­lec­tual prow­ess, re­lent­less cu­rios­ity and dogged per­se­ver­ance


cody romness

Scientists Release First Image of a Black Hole

cody romness

A wise prime minister looks at the numbers, but not only at the numbers

“I do look at those figures but they are not so accurate. On the day of the March, I look what shoes people have on. And compare that to the previous year”

the world cannot be understood without numbers. but the world cannot be undErStood with numbers alone.

cody romness

According to the theory of cyclical fashion, it takes roughly two decades for a trend to resurface. That’s the length of time between a person’s teens, when they’re most culturally receptive, and their thirties, when they begin to reach positions of influence in the creative industries.

So, today’s creative directors are essentially channelling the nostalgia of their youth. - mr porter

cody romness

Don’t confuse slow change with no change

  1. 1% growth doubles in 70 years

  2. 2% growth doubles in 35 years

  3. 3% growth doubles in 24 years

Many things (including people, countries, religions, and cultures) appear to be constant just because they are happening slowly.

  • Keep track of gradual improvements

  • update your knowledge

  • talk to grandpa

  • collect eXamples of cultural change

cody romness

“Respond intelligently to unintelligent treatment”

Lau Tsu

cody romness

Heraclitus said:

“The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny… it is the light that guides your way.”

Allegiate - in Latin - means “he has chosen”

cody romness